The inaugural TopBeauty Awards 2024 took place successfully on September 11th at Victoria 22 in Causeway Bay. After professional judging and online voting by our editorial team, micro-influencers, and loyal readers, TopBeauty is honored to award 13 prestigious prizes to leading brands in skincare, beauty, and aesthetics, recognizing their extraordinary achievements in the industry.

Congratulations to all 13 outstanding recipients:
最喜愛抗皺緊緻精華大獎 | Avène |
最喜愛抗衰老精華大獎 | Caudalie |
最喜愛透明蜜粉大獎 | Laura Mercier |
最喜愛敏感肌面部醫學品牌大獎 | QV FACE |
最喜愛身體護理系列大獎 | Sabon |
卓越美顏瘦身大獎 | Angel Face |
卓越產後護理療程大獎 | Beauty Lab Group |
卓越紅光膠原美白艙療程大獎 | FIRM Cosmo by i-FIRM |
卓越凍齡美白大獎 | GINKGO BEAUTY |
卓越嫩膚去斑療程大獎 | QR SKIN & LASER CENTRE |
卓越膠原再生療程大獎 | RADIESSE®️再生針 |
卓越水療美容中心大獎 | THE SPA by VALMONT |
卓越豐胸療程大獎 | Yanki日瑩育乳專門店 |
Thank you for your presence, and we wish all the award winners continued success as they shine in their fields and passionately pursue the essence of beauty.
A special thank you to all the Influencers who attended the TopBeauty Awards 2024. Your support and presence are greatly appreciated. With our heartfelt gratitude, we prepared DIffusion Stones for all guests in return. We hope everyone can take home their favorite fragrances to commemorate this memorable event. And the awards wrapped up with exquisite canapes and drinks.
PressLogic and TopBeauty will continue to collaborate with beauty brands to empower every girl to discover her most confident self, elevating beauty to new heights. See you next year!